Ugc Net Study Material for Communication Paper 1

Complete Notes on Communication

Communication is exchange of ideas and meaning between two persons or groups. Signs, expressions, utterances, gestures, sounds, noises, are the silent form of languages used by human being.

Generally we define communication as the process of transfer of information between two sources with the information being understood by both.

Evolution of Communication

  1. Silence Phase
  2. Verbal Phase
  3. Litho (Stone) Printing
  4. Individual Letter Blocking
  5. Movable Type Printing
  6. Printing on a large scale
  7. Telegraph System
  8. Motion Picture
  9. TV and Satellite Communication

Nature of Communication

  • Communication is social interaction through message
  • Communication are constructed for the people by the people
  • Communication is the language of life
  • It creates a common pool of ideas and strengthen the feeling of togetherness
  • Communication encompasses sharing and distributive justice

Objectives of Communication

  • Strong decision making
  • Generate awarness
  • Build Relationship
  • Provide Advice
  • Provide Order
  • Suggestion
  • Persuasion
  • Education
  • Warning
  • To give and receive information
  • Raise moral and motivation
  • To provide counselling

Elements and Process of Communication

  1. Sender : Who intend to convey the message
  2. Ideas : Subject matter of communication
  3. Encoding : Conversion of subject matter into the symbols
  4. Communication Channel : Channel for sending the required information, ideas etc.
  5. Receiver : Person who receives the message
  6. Decoding : Communicator tries to convert the message
  7. Feedback : process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and understood

Types of Communication

On the basis of the number of participants

  1. Intra-Personal Communication
  2. Interpersonal Communication
  3. Intra-Group Communication
  4. Intergroup Communication
  5. Organisational Communication
  6. Public Communication
  7. Mass Communication

On the basis of Direction of Flow

  1. Downward Communication
  2. Upward Communication
  3. Crosswise (Diagonal) Communication

On the basis of way of Expression

  1. Written Communication
  2. Oral Communication
  3. Visual Communication
  4. Audio Visual Communication
  5. Non-Verbal Communication
  6. No Communication

On the basis of Organisation Structure

  1. Formal Communication
  2. Informal Communication (Grapevine)

On the basis of Objective

  1. Mass Communication
  2. Socializing Communication
  3. Political Communiction
  4. Educational Communication
  5. Business Communication
  6. Entertainment Communication
  7. News and Views Communication
  8. Data Collection Information

On the basis of Environment of the Firm

  1. External Communication
  2. Internal Communication

Barrier to Communication

  1. Personal Barrier
  • Personal Emotions
  • Biases
  • Perceptual Variation
  • Competencies
  • Mental Faculties
  • Five sense
  • Psychological Problems

2. Semantic Barrier

  • Word Interpretation
  • Gesture
  • Language translation
  • Signs and Symbols

3. Organisational Climatic Barriers

  • Fear
  • Insincerity and lack of Confidence
  • Poor or Ego-centered Supervision

4. Technical Barrier

  • Space or geographical distance
  • Mechanical failure or disturbance
  • Physical Obstruction
  • Technological malfunction
  • Wrong time of Communication
5. Organisation Structure Barriers
  • Lack of chain of command
  • Bureaucratic
  • Political manipulation
  • Class Conflicts
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