Best TET CTET Coaching in Lucknow 9565697720
CTET ONLINE Coaching / CTET LIVE Classes
Join New Batches in TCS ACADEMY & Qualify CTET with 120+ Marks
Target Batches Start | Best Faculties | 247+ Selection Record in 2019| 5+ Years Of Experience
Classes Available with practice batch | Flexible Batch Timings | only 30 Seats class
CTET Best Study Material is Also Available both in Hindi & English Medium, ORDER it NOW
Best CTET Coaching For CTET Paper 1, CTET Paper 2 (Math & Science | SST) is also Available
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Best TET CTET Coaching in Lucknow – TCS ACADEMY – 9565697720

TCS ACADEMY is one of the Best TET CTET coaching institute in Lucknow . We excel in preparation for CENTER Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) examinations . We have been guiding force for more than 474 students in thier success in CTET exams with respected marks. TCS ACADEMY Coaching is the most experienced and BEST coaching institute for CTET, we are providing CTET Coaching classes from it’s beginning. TET Coaching in Lucknow
We believe in Hard Work and Quality Teaching & advise you to ”IF YOU CARE WE PREPARE  ”

About CTET: Teacher Eligibility Test is a gateway to bring uniformity in the standard of teachers appointed to provide quality education to students in school. This was for the first time started in 2011 by the central government in the form of CTET as a mandatory requirement for anyone willing to teach in Center aided schools. Thereafter the states have started conducting the examination for state aided schools. Some of the private schools have also started considering Teacher Eligibility Test as a major eligibility criterion in the recruitment process. Conducted by CBSE twice in a year, Compulsory for PRTs & TGTs in govt. schools, CTET Paper I is required for class 1st to 5th, CTET Paper II is required for class 6th to 8th, Next Exams are on JULY 2020, Both papers are conducted same day of 2 Hrs 30 Min Each

CTET EXAM – SCOPE: CTET Exam is conducted separately for Paper 1 (Assistant Primary Teachers) and paper 2 (Trained Graduate Teachers). It is essential qualification for PRT and TGT posts notified by DSSSB, KVS, NVS and other private organizations. Qualifying CTET also helps you in becoming good teacher with moral values and Student Centric teaching approach. Best of luck for your future as a  TEACHER !!


  • 474+ TCS ACADEMY Candidates Qualified CTET
  • Experienced & Subject Specific Expert Faculties Available
  • Equal Focus on Content as well as Pedagogy in all Parts
  • Unique & Complete Study Material with practice paper
  • Regular Mock Tests Based on CBSE & NCTE Pattern
  • 84% + Questions Directly from Our Classroom


CTET Paper 1 CTET Paper 2(Math & Sci.) CTET Paper 2(Social Studies)
Child Development & Pedagogy- 30 Marks Child Development & Pedagogy- 30 Marks Child Development & Pedagogy- 30 Marks
Mathematics – 30 Marks Mathematics & Science – 60 Marks Social Studies – 60 Marks
Environmental Studies – 30 Marks Language Option 1 – 30 Marks Language Option 1 – 30 Marks
Language Option 1 – 30 Marks Language Option 2 – 30 marks Language Option 2 – 30 Marks
Language Option 2 – 30 Marks

Note : At TCS ACADEMY , We provide best coaching for CTET exams with three languages as Hindi, English and Sanskrit. Our USP is Special Teachers for each subject, Fixed and Planned Class Schedule, Complete Study Material and Practice Sheets and unlimited doubt sessions individually as per need of the students.


CTET Paper 1 CTET Paper 2(Math & Sci.) CTET Paper 2(Social Studies)
Duration – Till Exam Duration – Till Exam Duration – Till Exam
Course Fee – Course Fee – Course Fee –
Features- Regular Classes, Tests & Study Material Features- Regular Classes, Tests & Study Material Features- Regular Classes, Tests & Study Material
Doubt Sessions on Request Doubt Sessions on Request Doubt Sessions on Request
Motivational Sessions Motivational Sessions Motivational Sessions
JOIN TCS ACADEMY, Call Now : 9565697720

Note : At TCS ACADEMY Coaching, We provide the best coaching for CTET exams with three languages as Hindi, English, and Sanskrit. Our USP is Special Teachers for each subject, Fixed and Planned Class Schedule, Complete Study Material and Practice Sheets and unlimited doubt sessions individually as per the need of the students. TET Coaching in Lucknow

CTET Study Material / Distance Learning Program

Dear students, TCS ACADEMY Coaching has received several requests from different States across India for complete and updated Study Materials of CTET Paper 1 & 2.. There are many candidates who are not able to come to Delhi for classroom coaching due to financial and other personal reasons but they want to join TCS ACADEMY ..SSPP.. (Sure Selection Preparation Platform) for CTET and other State TET Exam preparations. Finally TCS ACADEMY management has decided to launch its study material for out-side students in affordable fee structure. Study Material is designed by subject experts and it covers all the topics of all subjects mentioned in CTET syllabus of CBSE. It also covers Solved Previous Year’s Question Papers, Mock Tests, Class Handouts, Notes on Pedagogical Issues and much more.

CTET Preparation Tips

The beneficial tips and tricks are mentioned here which are extremely helpful for the students to clear the exam. These tips will definitely help the aspirants to qualify this examination with good percentile. The aspirant must go through the tips and tricks mentioned below:

1. Set a Goal: The candidate need to identify their strong areas and also plan on how much time they have to spend on each of the sections in order to complete everything on time.

2. Go through the syllabus: Identify all the important topics Go through the syllabus, divide the time according to the topics and note down the topics which need to prepare first. Try to go through the previous year Exam papers of Targeted Exam. Make a list of the topics according to their importance and previous year question papers.

3. Focus on Pedagogy: Child pedagogy is a complete subject and will constitute 30 Marks, besides that each subject contains 50% questions from Pedagogy. If the candidates focus on Pedagogy then they will have chances of attempting maximum questions and qualifying the exam.

4. Time Management: Time managed is half paper done. It is obligatory for the students as success in the exam is directly attached to the time management. All the aspirants are advised to solve the exam paper before time and try to move one step ahead. If the candidate finds any question difficult then leave that question or mark that question, move on other questions. Try to finish the exam before time so that you can again attempt the entire marked question at the end and revise your answers.

5. Practice makes a man perfect: The candidate must remember the fact that practice makes the man perfect hence keep practicing till the end. Regular practice will not only raise the level of speed but also raises the accuracy level. These two are the key to success as the questions attempted by the candidates must be accurate otherwise, it has no value.

6. Be confident: The candidate should build up their confidence level. Confidence is a must as it will boost the preparation of the candidate. But the aspirant must remember, be confident and not over confident. Maintain the gap between the two.

7. Joining Crash Course: Joining a reputed crash course is another CTET Preparation Tips 2020 in order to deal with the doubts. Crash course offers the competitive atmosphere which is extremely beneficial to qualify the exam.

8. Remain stress-free: Do not overload yourself with information before the exam. You cannot study all the things before the exam. Do not panic, just relax take a complete sleep. If you get stressed and do not sleep you will become anxious which is certainly not good for you. Try to reach Examination center before time, so that you can relax and focus well on the question paper.

Wish you all Good Luck, May You all Clear CTET Exam With Respected Marks.



CTET Coaching in Lucknow – TCS ACADEMY – 9565697720

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