UGC NET Coaching | Study Material | Preparation Notes

Are you preparing for UGC NET Exam 2018? Are you dreaming to achieve it with the good score and seeking for suitable  NET coaching classes to boost your preparation?


Then you are at the right place, tcs academy with its Correspondance/Postal/Online Tuition brings out a new learning methodology which makes students capable of achieving good scores in NET exam. Also get UGC NET Notifications and latest News here.

Students struggling to learn will benefit from this unique and interesting way of learning from Eduncle which creates a customized path for every student and aims at achieving success in their concerned competitive exam.

No matter where you live either in the big cities (like –Lucknow, Agra, Noida,Varanasi,  and Kanpur) or small villages, tcs academy is providing UGC NET Study Material for every student.


It offers innovative and helpful online learning packages which contains most updated UGC NET Study Material, covering complete syllabus and preparation strategies and UGC NET Tips.

If you look in the dictionary you will discover that the philosophy is derived from two words – philos and sophia, that means – Love of Knowledge. So in principle, any area of human concern can become the subject of philosophical interest. Originally philosophers were interested in everything. And that’s why one can see the diversity in the syllabus of philosophy.


Like Any Other Optional Subjects Philosophy Has Also Two Papers In Main Examination And These Two Papers Have Been Divided In Two Subsections. First Paper Is Related With Philosophical Theories And Thinkers In Which Indian And Western Thinkers Have Been Included; While The Second Paper Is Related With Philosophical Problems In Which Religious And Socio-political Problems Have Been Included.

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