Essay writing (Mains) » tcs academy | TET Coaching in Lucknow

Essay writing (Mains)

Despite securing good marks in optional subjects, many candidates could not succeed ultimately due to ignoring the importance of essay. Therefore, ‘tcs academy‘ took the initiative of launching ‘Essay Workshop’ so that students from Hindi medium can secure good marks in essay too and they can finally succeed in Civil Services Examination. Essay is such a question paper in which fluctuations in marks is easily visible. A part of the students secure 50-60 marks and the other part secure 150-170 marks out of total 250 marks. This fluctuation in marks isn’t illogical and motiveless always, in fact the basic skills related to essay writing play a premier role behind it.

The essay programme in ‘tcs academy‘ tries to ensure that the basic skills related to essay writing develop in students so that they can secure high marks. The experience in past years shows that the students of our class have been generally securing on average 140 marks or more than that.

It is worth noting that the subjects in essay have faced qualitative modifications in the past years. Now, essay comprises of various abstract subjects too. It has led to enhancement in the importance of development of style of contemplation. Keeping it in mind, ‘tcs academy‘ has made a serious attempt to create latest and contextual subject-matter.

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